如何禁止有源晶振的三态功能Tri-State function?

如何禁止有源晶振的三态功能Tri-State function?


If Tri-state function is not needed, the Tri-state pin shall be connected to the Vcc pin or left floating. There is an internal pullup resistor that would enable output if Tri-state pin is left floating.
如果不需要三态功能,三态引脚应连接接到 Vcc 引脚或悬空处理。产有源晶振内部有一个上拉电阻,在三态引脚悬空状态下,可自动激活晶振频率输出功能。

Genuway recommends connecting Tri-State pin to VCC or be left floating if Tri-state function is not needed.
建议,若无需三态功能,可将三态引脚连接到 VCC引脚或悬空处理。
