

以STM32F为例:HSE 4-26 MHz oscillator characteristics


The high-speed external (HSE) clock can be supplied with a 4 to 26 MHz crystal. All the information given in this paragraph are based on characterization results obtained with typical external components specified in the table above. In the application, the resonator and the load capacitors have to be placed as close as possible to the oscillator pins in order to minimize output distortion and startup stabilization time. Refer to the crystal resonator manufacturer for more details on the resonator characteristics (frequency, package, accuracy).

高速外部(HSE)时钟信号可由4至26MHz 晶体谐振器提供。本文中给出的所有信息均基于上表中指定的典型外部组件获得的表征结果。在应用中,晶体谐振器和负载电容必须尽可能靠近振荡器引脚,以最大限度地减少输出失真和启动稳定时间。有关晶体谐振器特性(频率、封装、精度)的更多详细信息,请参阅晶振制造商提供的相应规格书。



Typical application with an 8 MHz crystal  8MHz无源晶振典型电路应用

For CL1 and CL2, it is recommended to use high-quality external ceramic capacitors in the 5 pF to 25 pF range (Typ.), designed for high-frequency applications, and selected to match the requirements of the crystal. CL1 and CL2 are usually the same size. The crystal manufacturer typically specifies a load capacitance which is the series combination of CL1 and CL2. PCB and MCU pin capacitance must be included when sizing CL1 and CL2.

对于 CL1 和 CL2,建议使用专为高频应用而设计并符合晶体谐振器要求的5 pF至25 pF范围(典型值)的高质量陶瓷电容。建议外接电容CL1 和 CL2 的大小等值选取。晶振制造商通常提供晶振负载电容(CL)。在计算外接匹配电容CL1和CL2大小时,请务必包括PCB杂散电容Cs(寄生电容)和MCU引脚电容在内。



