

The three modes of Pin 1 for a crystal oscillator有源晶振(晶体振荡器)引脚#1的三种模式:

1、Output Enable (OE) Mode输出使能模式

In the OE mode, applying logic Low to the OE pin only disables the output driver and puts it in Hi-Z mode. The core of the device continues to operate normally. Power consumption is reduced due to the inactivity of the output. When the OE pin is pulled High, the output is typically enabled in <1 μs.


在OE模式下,将低逻辑(低电平)应用于OE引脚只会禁用输出驱动器并将其置于 Hi-Z (高阻抗)模式。而设备核心部件保持正常运行。由于输出处于非活动状态,因此功耗降低。当OE引脚被拉至高电平时,频率再次输出,这个过程通常可以在<1 μs内完成。

2、Standby (ST)Mode待机模式

In the ST mode, a device enters into the standby mode when Pin 1 pulled Low. All internal circuits of the device are turned off. The current is reduced to a standby current, typically in the range of a few μA. When ST is pulled High, the device goes through the “resume” process, which can take up to 5 ms.

在ST模式下,当引脚1拉至低电平时,晶振进入待机模式。设备所有内部电路均已关闭。电流降低到待机电流,通常在几μA的范围内。当 ST 被拉高电平时,设备会经历“唤醒”恢复过程,这可能需要5ms时间。

3、No Connect (NC) Mode 无连接(悬空)模式

In the NC mode, the device always operates in its normal mode and output the specified frequency regardless of the logic level on pin 1.

在 NC 模式下,无论引脚#1上的逻辑电平如何,晶振始终在其正常模式下工作并输出指定频率。

Table below summarizes the key relevant parameters in the operation of the device in OE, ST, or NC mode.


