The Crystal Oscillator does not Oscillate晶振不起振怎么办?

The Crystal Oscillator does not Oscillate晶振不起振怎么办?

How to Deal if the Crystal Oscillator does not Oscillate? 晶振不起振怎么办?解释如下:

The crystal oscillator is a commonly used clock source in electronic equipment, which is often used to provide a stable clock signal. However, sometimes the crystal oscillator may encounter a problem of not oscillating, causing the device to fail to work normally. Then how should we judge the reason why the crystal oscillator does not oscillate and solve it in time?


一、Why does the crystal oscillator not “oscillate”? 为什么晶振不“振荡”?

1、Damaged or inferior crystal oscillators 损坏或劣质晶振

Inferior crystal oscillators may have manufacturing defects, resulting in instability. Therefore, it is first necessary to confirm whether the purchased crystal oscillators are reliable.


2、Connection Error 连接错误

Incorrect crystal oscillator pin connections, excessively long lines, or loose connections may affect the oscillation of the crystal oscillator.


3、Environmental interference 环境干扰

Strong electromagnetic fields, radio frequency interference and other interference environments may affect the oscillation of the crystal oscillator.


4、Unstable power supply voltage 电源电压不稳定

If the power supply voltage is unstable, it is likely to affect the oscillation of the crystal oscillator.


The Crystal Oscillator does not Oscillate晶振不起振怎么办?

二、How to Solve the Problem? 如何解决晶振不起振的问题?

1、Check the Crystal Oscillator Connection 检查晶振连线

Ensure that the pins of the crystal oscillator are correctly connected and the connection lines are short and secure. You can use an oscilloscope to monitor the waveform at the crystal oscillator pins.


2、Replace with a High-Quality Crystal Oscillator 更换为优质晶振

Select a reputable, certified brand of crystal oscillator, and avoid using low-quality ones.


3、Shielding and Isolation 屏蔽和隔离

When designing the circuit, it is necessary to consider the environmental interference factors and take shielding measures or isolate the crystal oscillator circuit to reduce external interference.


4、Stable Power Supply 稳定的电源

Ensure the stability of the power supply voltage. Power management devices such as voltage regulators can be used to maintain a stable power supply.


5、Add Load Capacitance 添加负载电容

Adding a suitable load capacitor between the pins of the crystal oscillator can help improve the start-up and stability.


6、Adjust the Peripheral Circuit 调整外围电路

The Crystal Oscillator does not Oscillate晶振不起振怎么办?

Adjust the circuits around the crystal oscillator according to the crystal oscillator manufacturer’s recommendation, such as capacitors, resistors, etc., to ensure proper start-up conditions and oscillation stability.


7、 Oscilloscope Test 使用示波器测试

Use an oscilloscope to monitor the oscillation waveform of the crystal oscillator pin to identify whether there is any abnormality.

