Clock tree for GD32F103VET6
The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the Arm® Cortex®-M3 RISC core with best ratio in terms of processing power, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex®-M3 is a next generation processor core which is tightly coupled with a Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer and advanced debug support.
Low speed external clock (LXTAL) generated from a crystal characteristics(For GD32F103x4/6/8/B devices)
RTC 32.768KHz for GD32F103VET6
CLXTAL1 = CLXTAL2 = 2*(CLOAD – CS), For CLXTAL1 and CLXTAL2, it is recommended matching capacitance on OSC32IN and OSC32OUT. For CLOAD, it is crystal/ceramic load capacitance, provided by the crystal or ceramic manufacturer. For CS, it is PCB and MCU pin stray capacitance.
Real time clock (RTC)
- 32-bit up-counter with a programmable 20-bit prescaler
- Alarm function
- Interrupt and wake-up event
The real time clock is an independent timer which provides a set of continuously running counters which can be used with suitable software to provide a clock calendar function, and provides an alarm interrupt and an expected interrupt. The RTC features a 32-bit programmable counter for long-term measurement using the compare register to generate an alarm. A 20-bit prescaler is used for the time base clock and is by default configured to generate a time base of 1 second from a clock at 32.768 KHz from external crystal oscillator.
GD32F1是全新的通用型32位高性能、低功耗微控制器系列产品,采用ARM® Cortex®-M3内核,适用于广泛的应用场景。GD32F1系列产品集成丰富的特性,可简化系统设计,并通过久经验证的技术和卓越创新为客户提供广范、超优性价比的MCU产品组合。该系列依托兆易创新先进的“gFlash”技术和量产经验,打造出全新形态的MCU,为客户提供出众的功能和品质。GD32F1系列产品可提供基本型、主流型、互联型、超值型和增值型的不同组合。
GD32F1系列MCU采用32位ARM® Cortex®-M3内核,运行频率最高可达108MHz,Flash存取达到零等待状态,可实现最高效率,同时还提供高达3024KB的片上闪存和高达96KB的SRAM,支持连接到两条APB总线的增强型I/O口和各种片内外设。此系列MCU提供高达3个12-bit 1MSPS ADC和10个通用型16-bit定时器,1个PWM高级定时器,以及配备标准型和高级通信接口。
GD32F1 系列MCU广泛适用于工业控制、人机交互、电机驱动、电源监测和报警系统、消费品与手持设备、太阳能光伏控制、触控面板等领域。